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136 Results for humility

Mind the Gap

Bridging Difficulty in Relationships

When we seek to work out conflict in a godly manner, gaps of relational difficulty are bridged.

Perseverance for the Believer When There is Resistance to Reconcile

We want to be a tangible representation of gospel love.

A Counselor’s Character Matters

We may have training and years of experience, but we are nothing without the Holy Spirit working in and through us.

Counseling the Immature

Truth in Love 445

How does immaturity factor into our counseling?

David Powlison

A Tribute

Grace and humility adorned Dr. Powlison’s faithful leadership in the biblical counseling movement.

Addressing Sinful Anger

God has a good design for anger. If we want to understand sinful anger, we need to understand righteous anger.

Service and Suffering

How is it possible to serve when you are suffering? How could Christ serve in the presence of suffering, and how could He command us to do the same?

The Heart of Church Conflict

This seminar will seek to answer the question: Where do church leadership and conflict intersect?

The Importance of Personal Holiness

Truth in Love 302

Pursuing personal holiness builds our confidence in power of God to change people.

Parenting and the Bullied Child

Truth in Love 232

Helping our children turn towards deliberate reflection on the gospel is very important because we’ve wronged God infinitely more than that bully has wronged our children.

Confronting Sin in Our Lives

A Nail in our Tire

We must turn to the Scriptures to find wise counsel about how to deal with sin in our lives.

Helping the Bullied Child to Overcome Evil with Good

How to shepherd your child who is being bullied with the wisdom of Romans 12.