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198 Results for heaven

Unity in the Midst of Trials

Christ died on the cross so that believers could be unified together in joyfully glorifying God forever.

God’s Omnipresence as a Comfort and a Caution

As biblical counselors, we must remind our counselees that God is equally present during all their actions, both righteous and unrighteous.

Presidential Election Derangement Syndrome

Our hope does not depend on the American President. It depends on the immortal king who is in heaven.

Helping Those Who Have Been Widowed

Truth In Love 329

Trust God, believe in Him, and ask Him to comfort your weary soul as you make yourself ready for heaven’s Glory.

Does Your Counselee Know the Lord?

All counseling is evangelism until that person comes to Christ.

Ministering the Book of Lamentations: Giving Hope When Hope Seems Gone

Where do you find hope when hope seems gone?

True Hope for Parkinson’s Disease 

True hope and peace for those suffering from Parkinson’s are found in the promises of God and His Word.

Pray Then Like This

Six Principles of Prayer from the Lord’s Prayer

Understanding how Jesus prays leads us towards a more intimate, God centered, and robust prayer life.

The Loneliness of the Holidays

What we would long for in the holidays is but a mere shadow of what will one day become our eternal reality in His presence.

What Does Love Cover?

Explore an exegetical and correlational view on the issues of covering sin and forgiveness as seen in the Scriptures.

Finding Hope in an Unwanted Diagnosis

In an unwanted diagnosis, we find hope to make every effort to boldly magnify our Savior while we suffer.

Reviving a Broken or Stagnant Marriage

In order to get unstuck or to see any significant healthy traction in a marriage, both people need to understand the purpose of marriage.