The Puritans on Contentment
Truth in Love 338
How should we understand contentment and how do we keep from confusing this idea with something like apathy or indifference?

Optimizing Christian Contentment in Biblical Counseling
When we desire to grow in Christlikeness and bring God glory in the process, we position ourselves for contentment in every area of our life.

God Told Me To
Misguided hope comes when we believe that our experiences supersede a need to rely on the sufficiency of Scripture.

Lessons from the Life of Korah
A Study of Numbers 16
This chapter holds several important implications for our lives that we can bring to bear in our ministry to others.

Rejoicing Always in the Lord
In Christ, we can have a constant gladness and confident delight in God that results in satisfaction in Him in all circumstances.

When Life is a Burden
Are you taking up the burden of your own self-sufficiency or the burden of righteousness?

A Good God
Innumerable things occupy our thoughts. One of our greatest needs is to fix our fluttering thoughts on God.

Counsel for Expecting Parents
The biblical commands to love your spouse did not cease when conception happened.