The Method of Biblical Counseling
Truth in Love 270
The Scriptures can be applied to everything that we face in this life. There is great comfort in that.
The Bible of Psychiatry
Truth in Love 257
What is the DSM? How should biblical counselors approach it and think about it in a biblical way?
Assurance of Salvation
Help from 1 John for Young People Who Struggle
Trust in the truths of Scripture, not the lies of your thoughts.
Helping Women Walk in the Light of Redeemed Sexuality
How do we help our counselees to be transformed in the renewing of their mind on the topic of sexuality?
Finding Rest in Christ
Truth in Love 476
If you feel weary as a Christian, it’s not because the gospel has changed but it is because your perception of the gospel has shifted.
Is It Sin or Is It Not?
Truth in Love 483
Helpful categories for understanding our actions and intentions.
Jesus as a Model for Counseling
Truth in Love 486
How the life and ministry of Christ can shape our counseling.
The Sin of Murmuring
Truth in Love 337
Grumbling never travels alone. It can become a domino effect and lead us to other sins.