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140 Results for self control

Restoring Trust After an Adulterous Affair

Truth in Love 288

What has been broken can be restored by God because of God’s power and for God’s glory.

What the Bible says about Codependency

Truth in Love 243

How does a biblical view of codependency differ from a secular view?

God’s Grace in Weakness

Truth in Love 253

Hardships expose weakness, and it is in this weakness that God’s grace abounds.

The Bible of Psychiatry

Truth in Love 257

What is the DSM? How should biblical counselors approach it and think about it in a biblical way?

Helping Children Whose Parents Are Divorcing

Truth in Love 235

What biblical help can we give children whose parents are divorcing?

Counseling at Your Job

Truth in Love 189

Opportunities will arise as we seek to serve those around us.

The Biblical View of a Person

Truth In Love 350

Reality has to be understood with the perspective of God’s revelation. Man is revelation-dependent.

Rescue Skills

Truth In Love 368

How do we help those who are struggling with sexual sin, especially when it comes to fighting temptations and dealing with sin and shame?

Ministering to Military Families

Truth In Love 369

How do we give compassionate and biblical counsel to the unique situations and struggles of military families?

Key Resources for Spiritual Growth

When we access the resources given to us by God, we will be able to develop Christlikeness faster and with greater depth.

How Should Christians Think About Demonic Activity?

Truth in Love 22

The devil is a real foe and he is a defeated foe. We serve a King who is able to keep His people safe.

Because I am not God

Three Reflections on the Creator-Creature Distinction

God is God, and we are not, and that is a good thing.