Rescue Skills
Truth In Love 368
How do we help those who are struggling with sexual sin, especially when it comes to fighting temptations and dealing with sin and shame?
What’s Wrong With Reparative Therapy?
A biblical goal for persons struggling with same-sex attraction is something much more glorious than mere heterosexuality.
In the Aftermath
Book Review
The individual who has been abused can find hope in the gospel, which offers freedom from shame.
Oil and Water
The Impossible Relationship between Evangelicalism and Reparative Therapy
The attitudes of our culture about homosexuality cannot change the sinfulness of it.
The Bible and the Problem of Hair Pulling
Truth in Love 130
How can we care for someone who struggles with the issue of hair pulling?
Navigating Feelings After Abuse
For those of us who have been abused the God-given gift of emotions can often feel like a curse.
The Counselor’s Hidden Sins
Truth in Love 324
God makes very clear that our sins are not hidden. They are open and laid bare by God Himself.
Counseling Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Plotting the Course
We need to be prepared to help those who have suffered in the aftermath of life-altering and sometimes life-ending affliction.
The War on Guilt
Truth In Love 349
The culture treats guilt as if it is a bad thing when in reality, God created us to feel guilt so that we’ll do something about it.
Do I Need to Forgive Myself?
It is not by the works of the believer that their sins are forgiven, it is through the blood of Christ.