Can You Lose Your Salvation?
Truth in Love 78
The work of Jesus provides hope for those struggling with assurance.
An Analysis of the Celebrate Recovery Addictions Program
As far as a Christ-centered, biblically based program, CR falls significantly short.
The Doubt Trap
This article examines a different cause for a lack of assurance—the belief that doubt cannot coexist with saving faith.
Grace and the Christian Life
Truth in Love 124
The Reformation recovered the doctrine of grace it remains vitally important today for Christian living.
Assurance of Salvation
Help from 1 John for Young People Who Struggle
Trust in the truths of Scripture, not the lies of your thoughts.
Seeking God’s Glory Through Self-Confrontation
This essay presents a model for biblical repentance. A person first determines that change should happen. He then designs a plan for change. And then he starts doing what he has resolved to do.
Key Resources for Spiritual Growth
When we access the resources given to us by God, we will be able to develop Christlikeness faster and with greater depth.
God’s Faithfulness Experienced In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
To better care for these people, it is necessary to understand and view OCD through the lens of Scripture.
Why We Should Counsel from the Old Testament Prophets
We must read, interpret, and apply the prophets in order to better know Jesus and to enjoy him more fully.