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78 Results for pornography

Rescue Plan

Truth In Love 367

Where does the war against pornography begin? How are women affected by this issue?

Should a Woman Date a Man Who is Hooked on Pornography?

Truth in Love 4

A woman should not pursue marriage with a man who has an ongoing struggle with pornography.

Crafting Temptation and Repentance Plans to Help Addicts

Keith Palmer addresses two pieces of the counseling approach: helping addicts with temptation and repentance.

How Can You Know if Your Husband is Hooked on Porn?

Truth in Love 16

A wife should avoid the extremes of ignorance and suspicion, but approach her husband with care if she suspects he is looking at porn.

Finally Free

Book Review

Address the problem of pornography head-on by rooting hope in the transforming power of the gospel.

Thanksgiving and Pornography

Fostering Gratitude and Fighting Sin

Increased free time brings increasing temptation to indulge in Internet pornography.

Women and Pornography

Truth in Love 42

Pornography is not just a male problem; women are struggling as well.

First Sessions and Asking Questions

Only when we know our counselees well will we be able to guide them well from the Scriptures.

Rescue Skills

Truth In Love 368

How do we help those who are struggling with sexual sin, especially when it comes to fighting temptations and dealing with sin and shame?

Garrett Higbee – Case Study on Pornography

Garrett Higbee presents Case Study on Pornography at the 2014 ACBC Annual Conference.  

Martha Peace – Helping Wives Whose Husbands Struggle with Pornography

How can wives help their husbands who are looking at pornography? This session was given by Martha Peace at the 2013 ACBC Pre-Conference on “Pursing […]

Homework that Maximizes Change

Counseling homework that maximizes change actively uses the Bible.