Evidence of Salvation and Protection of Faith
When a believer is walking in the Spirit, led by the Spirit, and keeping in step with the Spirit, the Spirit of God produces self-control in that person.
Is the Term “Control” a Biblical Way to Describe a Seemingly Common Problem?
How do we replace sinful control with submission unto Christ and His Word?
The Remedy for Self-Affliction
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Those who self-harm often feel they’re all alone, but in Christ we are never alone. He never leaves us as His children.
An Analysis of the Celebrate Recovery Addictions Program
As far as a Christ-centered, biblically based program, CR falls significantly short.
Why You’ll Never Lose Weight This Year
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The reason that many don’t lose weight is because they ignore the spiritual side of this issue.
Hope and Help for Self-Injurers
The gospel provides self-injurers with the lasting relief they so desperately desire.
Facing Giants by Fixing Gaze
Eyes on the Covenantal King Rather Than Self as the Means to Victory in Terrifying Circumstance
What does the Bible teach about fear?
What the Bible Says About Self-Harm
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On this edition of Truth in Love, Dr. Lambert speaks with Dr. Kevin Carson about the issue of self-harm.