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16 Results for same sex attraction

Is Same Sex Attraction Sinful?

Truth in Love 3

The church must address not only problem of same-sex behavior, but also the desires that lead to that behavior.

What Do You See?

Same-Sex Attraction and a Biblical Approach to Looking

Many churches have affirmed the sin of homosexual activity, yet have struggled with understanding same-sex attraction.

Same-Sex Physical Attraction in Counseling

Truth in Love 90

Same-sex attraction is sin and should be handled as any other sin should be handled.

Sexual Struggles in Marriage

Every married couple experiences seasons of difficulty in their sex life and there is hope in the gospel. 

Helping Singles Who Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction

Truth in Love 26

All of us have different battles and all of us need the encouragement and strengthening of other believers.

What’s Wrong With Reparative Therapy?

A biblical goal for persons struggling with same-sex attraction is something much more glorious than mere heterosexuality.

Psychology, Sexual Attraction, and Scripture

Bible provides a flourishing framework for both sexual appeal and an authentic moral category of love.

Gay Marriage, Speaking the Truth in Love, and the United States Supreme Court

Truth in Love 1

Dr. Heath Lambert discusses the Obergefell vs. Hodges Supreme Court case.

Challenges of the Therapeutic Relationship

Truth in Love 310

Explore the biblical role of the counselor in a counseling relationship.

Engaging Your Child’s Heart

Truth in Love 320

The Bible call parents to be proactive in the way in which they engage and shepherd their children’s hearts.

Teaching Women to be Content

It is in a relationship with Jesus Christ and there alone where women will find true contentment.

Marry Wisely, Marry Well

Book Review

Dr. Ernie Baker guides readers through developing a strong foundation for marriage even before they are in a relationship.