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114 Results for pride

Pride and Humility

True humility must, first and foremost, express itself by acknowledging God, trusting in God, and seeking to exalt God.

Biblical Sorrow Without Sinful Complaining

Long before you start pointing out how someone might be sinning in their circumstances, I hope as a counselor that you’re willing to create a safe place for them to sorrow.

Casting Our Cares

Humility keeps us dependent on God and God alone. With humility, we can be taught in His ways and learn what is right.

Answers to Your Counseling Questions

Truth in Love 144

Heath Lambert and Sean Perron discuss several pertinent biblical counseling questions.

Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

Rosaria’s testimony shows that the solution to all sin is Christ’s atoning blood.

Lessons from the Life of Korah

A Study of Numbers 16

This chapter holds several important implications for our lives that we can bring to bear in our ministry to others.

Resolving Conflict

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Disagreements do not need to turn into conflicts.

The Two-Part Epoxy of Humility and Love

Explore what the Bible says about two key ingredients for biblical unity.

Vanity or Body Image Problem?

True modesty doesn’t come from changing one’s wardrobe. It comes from having one’s heart changed.

Counsel the Bitter Person with a Warning from Jesus

We must consciously practice the obedience of forgiveness.

Exchanging Grumbling for Gratitude

What lies at the heart of ungratefulness, and how can believers cultivate thanksgiving?

Fatherly Discipline

Fatherhood is simultaneously an esteemed privilege and a daunting assignment.