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69 Results for lust

Fighting Lust

Truth in Love 167

Explore five practical ways to fight lust.

Vanity or Body Image Problem?

True modesty doesn’t come from changing one’s wardrobe. It comes from having one’s heart changed.

Has a Good Thing Become an Idol?

Truth in Love 170

Our sin can take a good thing and twist it so that it becomes a bad thing.

One Sinner To Another

How the Church Must Speak About Homosexuality 

There are voices tempting us to speak grace without repentance, or speak conviction without care.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day by Fighting for Purity

(And Not Watching Fifty Shades of Grey)

The kind of sexual immorality depicted in Fifty Shades hurts people literally and physically.

Christians and Masturbation

Truth in Love 102

Sex is a unitive act given by God to bless creation in the context of marriage.

Can Homosexuals Ever Change?

Truth in Love 18

The Christian argument is not that change for homosexuals is easy, but that change for homosexuality is possible.

Thanksgiving and Pornography

Fostering Gratitude and Fighting Sin

Increased free time brings increasing temptation to indulge in Internet pornography.

Understanding and Dealing with Suicide

What will keep you from a life of suicide is not just knowing the 23rd Psalm, but knowing the Shepherd.

First Sessions and Asking Questions

Only when we know our counselees well will we be able to guide them well from the Scriptures.

Helping Women Put Off Life-Dominating Sins

Susan Heck talks about common sins that Christians commit. She provides biblical definitions and practical tips for putting off sin.

Passions of the Heart

Book Review

John Street outlines a concise, point-by-point biblical plan of action for attacking stubborn sexual sin.