Has a Good Thing Become an Idol?
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Our sin can take a good thing and twist it so that it becomes a bad thing.
Celebrate Valentine’s Day by Fighting for Purity
(And Not Watching Fifty Shades of Grey)
The kind of sexual immorality depicted in Fifty Shades hurts people literally and physically.
Christians and Masturbation
Truth in Love 102
Sex is a unitive act given by God to bless creation in the context of marriage.
Thanksgiving and Pornography
Fostering Gratitude and Fighting Sin
Increased free time brings increasing temptation to indulge in Internet pornography.
Can Homosexuals Ever Change?
Truth in Love 18
The Christian argument is not that change for homosexuals is easy, but that change for homosexuality is possible.
First Sessions and Asking Questions
Only when we know our counselees well will we be able to guide them well from the Scriptures.