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49 Results for idols

Helping the Discouraged

God chooses, in His sovereignty and His grace, to show Himself strong when we are very much aware of our weakness.

A Triage for Marriage Conflicts

Christian couples need a moral triage to sort through their conflicts.

Teens and Self-Counseling (Part 1)

How can teenagers counsel their own hearts with the sufficient Word of God?

Peacemaking for Families

Book Review

Whether you are a spouse, a parent, a pastor, or young adult, this book is designed to help you to resolve conflict as God designed, and to develop skills in helping others do the same.


Truth In Love 404

Why is self-confrontation crucial in the process of change? How do we truly repent?

Answers to Your Counseling Questions

Truth in Love 144

Heath Lambert and Sean Perron discuss several pertinent biblical counseling questions.

Helping our Counselees to be Disciplined in the Word and Prayer 

Many counselees get caught up in things that are passing when they could be spending time in the word that is eternal.

An Analysis of the Celebrate Recovery Addictions Program 

As far as a Christ-centered, biblically based program, CR falls significantly short.

An Evaluation of the Sexual Identity Construct (Part 2)

Truth In Love 416

How do we evaluate, expose, and explain to our counselees the ideology behind sexual identity construct?

Is It Sin or Is It Not?

Truth in Love 483

Helpful categories for understanding our actions and intentions.

Navigating Feelings After Abuse

For those of us who have been abused the God-given gift of emotions can often feel like a curse.

Enduring Dark Providences

Providence is God’s active sovereignty and involvement in every aspect of our lives at all times for His glory and our good.