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154 Results for faithfulness

Finding Hope in an Unwanted Diagnosis

In an unwanted diagnosis, we find hope to make every effort to boldly magnify our Savior while we suffer.

Ministering the Book of Lamentations: Giving Hope When Hope Seems Gone

Where do you find hope when hope seems gone?

Pursuing Faithfulness

Truth in Love 175

Dr. Dale Johnson discusses a few areas of focus moving forward for ACBC.

Faithfulness in Counseling

We are faithful in counseling when we proclaim Christ, and we do so utterly dependent upon His work within and through us.

Perseverance for the Believer When There is Resistance to Reconcile

We want to be a tangible representation of gospel love.

Remembering God’s Faithfulness

He who provided for you in the past will provide for you in the future.

The Metrics of Counseling Success (Part 1)

How should we define counseling success?

God’s Faithfulness Experienced In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

To better care for these people, it is necessary to understand and view OCD through the lens of Scripture.

What Do You See?

Same-Sex Attraction and a Biblical Approach to Looking

Many churches have affirmed the sin of homosexual activity, yet have struggled with understanding same-sex attraction.

Faithfully Protestant

Faithfully protestant: Biblical Counseling and the Reformation.  This is the title assigned to me a year ago.  My thesis is pretty straightforward.  It is that […]

The Future of the Biblical Counseling Movement

Truth in Love 174

What is on the horizon for the biblical counseling movement?

Suffering with Chronic Pain While Clinging to Enduring Hope

Three expressions of God’s grace to consider in the face of chronic pain—prayer, promises, and people.