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66 Results for divorce

Helping Children Whose Parents Are Divorcing

Truth in Love 235

What biblical help can we give children whose parents are divorcing?

Questions about the ACBC Conference on Abuse

Truth in Love 157

Dr. Heath Lambert answers several questions regarding our Annual Conference on abuse.

The Answer to Your Marriage Problems is Found in Christ

The more we surrender to His good design, the more the mirror of our marriage begins to slowly be restored.

Intervening in Crisis Marriages

Explore principles for how the church can help when a marriage is in crisis.

Rebuilding a Marriage After Betrayal

Gain insight into how to rebuild a marriage after betrayal by addressing both the offended and the offender.

God, Marriage, and Family

Book Review

Marriage is permanent, sacred, intimate, mutual, and exclusive.

A Personal Statement on Abuse

Protecting the weak from harm is biblical.

Helping Marriages through Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

A couple can be equipped to face PTSD even if PTSD and its symptoms never leave their marriage.

Introduction to Counseling Children

For children the struggles, the desires, and the hope are no different than for those of us who are adults.

What Are Our Responsibilities to Those We Counsel?

Do not allow your counseling to stop when the individual leaves your appointment.

Should I Attend a Controversial Wedding?

Truth in Love 51

Can a Christian celebrate a friend’s controversial marriage?

Blended Family: Navigating Marriage and Parenting for God’s Glory  

Through the complexities of blended families, God’s Word provides great help and hope in how they can honor and glorify God.