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55 Results for assurance

The Doubt Trap 

This article examines a different cause for a lack of assurance—the belief that doubt cannot coexist with saving faith.

Assurance of Salvation

Help from 1 John for Young People Who Struggle

Trust in the truths of Scripture, not the lies of your thoughts.

When Your 6-Year-Old Professes Faith in Christ

Help For Parents

We love our children, we labor for their souls, and we desire nothing more than for our sons and daughters to also become brothers and sisters in Christ.

Assurance for the Weak in Faith 

True faith is that which yields itself, despite all its insufficiency, on the sufficiency of Christ.

Grace and the Christian Life

Truth in Love 124

The Reformation recovered the doctrine of grace it remains vitally important today for Christian living.

Counseling Besetting Sins

Truth in Love 441

How do we conquer the sins that keep coming back?

An Analysis of the Celebrate Recovery Addictions Program 

As far as a Christ-centered, biblically based program, CR falls significantly short.

Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Truth in Love 78

The work of Jesus provides hope for those struggling with assurance.

Rebuilding a Marriage After Betrayal

Gain insight into how to rebuild a marriage after betrayal by addressing both the offended and the offender.

The Necessity of Works with Faith

Truth In Love 373

What’s the difference between justification and sanctification? Why is it important to teach a biblical view of faith and works in the counseling room?

Battling Anxiety and Depression

God’s past faithfulness brings a rock-solid assurance of His present goodness.

God’s Faithfulness Experienced In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

To better care for these people, it is necessary to understand and view OCD through the lens of Scripture.